Enterostop, D68, 30 capsule
Enterostop, D68, 30 capsule
Can help eliminate the discomfort of an accelerated intestinal transit.
- antidiarrheal, astringent, cicatrizing;
- intestinal antiseptic;
- anti-inflammatory;
- absorbs gases and toxins from the intestine.
- medicinal charcoal 105 mg;
- oak acorn (Quercus fructus) 45 mg;
- cypress rhizomes (Gei rhizoma) 45 mg;
- blueberry leaves (Myrtilli folium);
- mint (Menthae herba);
- mouse tail (Millefolii herba).
Not recommended for children under 3 years of age, in case of constipation and in case of hypersensitivity to any of the product's ingredients.
Method of administration:
Children 6 - 12 years: 1 capsule 2 times a day, before meals.
Children over 12 years and adults: 1 capsule 3 times a day, before meals. If a stronger effect is desired, take 2 capsules 3 times a day.
The duration of a cure is 3-7 days.
30 capsules